
  • Queen Margarita Pizza freshly baked soft cheesy pizza. first lime baked in 1889 in Italy.
  • Nepolitana Pizza The European Union established a ruling to protect Naples' Neapolitan pizzas. The Eu's ruling Neapolitan pizza was now part of naples. Fresh fresh pizza served with tomato and cheese...
  • Mex Mexicano Pizza A  Yummyy mexican pizza with sauce of salsa, sweet corn, mexican chilly & cheese placed on top.
  • BBQ Pizza Classic Barbarian style with loads of veggies, pineapple and topped with mouth watering cheese.
  • Volcano Pizza(frespresso special) Indian style hot n spicy pizza with loads of paneer /chicken, jalapeno, veggies and cheese.
  • Simple burst Pizza(frespresso special) Double layer mushroomie pizza with loads of cheese and veggiess.